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You’ve worked hard and put in countless hours and finances to build a premiere dealership. Are you ready to sell and interested in learning about what goes into positioning and selling a dealership?

This article will provide key points to think about and questions to consider.

Your Role as an Owner and Seller

As you consider selling the dealership, think about these key elements that will help position a sale quickly and smoothly.

• Do you know the value of your dealership (business) in today’s market? Can you and your deal team communicate that value?

• Do you own the property, and are you looking to sell that with the business?

• Do you have at least three years of clean, updated, accurate financials?

• Do you have a concise list of included assets?

• Are you maintaining a strong order position with all your manufacturers?

• Does your dealership have a positive reputation and story in the community and industry?

Think Like a Buyer

Key elements to know about buying a dealership:

• What does the dealership look like when you step on the lot? Is it a clean/organized facility?

• What is the business’s financial situation?

• What is the company known for, and how does it operate?

• Who are the key employees? How likely are they to stay with the new owner?

Navigating The Sales Process and Working with an RV Business Solutions Advisor 

The team at RV Business Solutions is well-positioned and perfectly suited to guide you through the sale of your dealership while helping you maximize its value. Having our team at your side lifts the burden and stress of finding a buyer yourself. In fact, having you focused on keeping your daily operations running smoothly, while we locate the ideal buyer, helps us maximize the return on your investment.

While you are doing what made your dealership what it is today, we secure the best price for your years of hard work. Contact us to discuss a sales strategy.